Wednesday, September 1, 2010

it takes too long to load up this page on my phone

Smelling my hands to try and detect the lingering odour of the hamburger I ate only moments ago. Still there...
*slurp slurp*
Taxis taxis...
Yellow cars that take you places. Taxi drivers are very diverse in ethnicies. Most speak in quite the exotic accent however, do not be mesmerized by their alluring emphasis on language. They are quite sly and they take advantage of your assumption that they are ignorant to the method of getting to your destination. They in fact are very wise about the paths, shortcuts and traditional ways of getting around in our city. Their meters charge you majorly for the distance that has been covered on your journey. They get more money in other words. The moral of the story: waffles are great with maple syrup.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A night in with the fellas... To be continued

I don't really go out of my way to post up blogs. Heck, I don't lose much sleep if no one does read it. However, I must admit when I hear people speaking of what I write, it does kinda make me feel a little fuzzy inside *consience: what are you, gay?
But if you do take peek through this page, well thank you. I shall continue writing when I can for I am sort of crippled when it comes to posting stuff up. Have no computer with Internet at my curent residence.
But you don't want to hear of my minor fable of insignificant woe.

But anyway I digress...
Turns out heaps of people act the way they do for others to accept them. Sad isn't it?
Be honest to yourself and at least admit to yourself that you do... Sometimes...

So I read some really cool quote today.
Forget what it was... Uhh..
Just remembered what it was. Well I thought it wad pretty cool.
All non conformists are the same.
Guess we can't help it no matter anyone tried. There's always gonna be someone like you. Sheep will always act like sheep even if they are isolated from the flock. That's just the way people are.
Deceitful would be another one of the few our mutual traits,

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Scrambled thoughts...

I would love to openly say that everyone, every single human being is judgmental alas, my ego is far to precious for me to even merely taint..
I hate to be wrong...

Whats say the opinions of people is such a valid sorce of prejudice.

Is it wrong or is it just the way we are ignorantly fashioned, or for argument's sake, adapted?

Our choices and points of view, be they political, sexual, moral or ethical;

Even something as petty as a prefered sporting team or food is apparently reason enough to discriminate or foresee who a person is.

Uh... Angel?

Mmm... Judgement. Do you like it?

You probably are as judgemental as the man with the powdered wig holding the gavel...

But his excuse is that it is his way to put bread on the table... Whats yours?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

and hopefully, the tears shall fall...

Let me hear about your day that no one ever asked about... That's blogging yeah?
Welcome to... umm... I guess we'll call it something that will scar your insignificant fragile feelings...
Phoahhh my armpits smell like Windex

Lets get started folks!

Some of the blogs read to me before I started up the expressions of the fragments of my mind made me either laugh uncontrollably, cringe and ravage my scalp in frustration or in this case... uh... Angel?
But seriously... all this displeasure was triggered when what was being read to me was slowly eating away at my freaken head. My fingers being the ferocious piranhas showing mercy by gnawing at my skull, trying to get to the brain.
heh... nah not really to that extreme but they were pretty rubbish...

A mere attempt to impress the intelligent.
Instead, half of these blogs became material to fuel giggles and the other half were as if I were playing some frustrating part of a game that I couldn't seem to get past despite the whole afternoon of sheer toil and sweaty palms... The tears of hands...
You might think... 'Hey, that's pretty sad for him to sit on his arse all day and play a silly game...'
Well that may be sad... But so are your Blogs...

Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
One of the contributors of my sheer annoyance...
For example...
Silly quotes:
*Seize the Day
*Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...
*When one door closes, another door opens.

Silly Silly Cliches...

and other sorts of petty thoughts.
Example... Go for your life! Don't hold back!
or perhaps the overuse of  'AMAZING'
That word being used in a mere whim to try to plaster a glittery, cheap veneer over the moldy sort of construction of words to verbalize their thoughts of little importance...

something else that's very lame.
Petty, insignificant problems of the fortunate, magnified using long words and analogies of woe to further argue that their little situation seems to be such a valid reason for displays of melancholy.
Just a little sentence I'd like to leave you with tonight...

till next time...

Please to not try to use my fancy words against me to make me look like a hypocrite. It took me ages to write my first blog. I accept that my intelligence is in fact inferior to yours but voicing out my opinion on this sorta thing is kind of an eye opener to myself if not for you.
if your asking why I posting this blog if it is intended for me, then my answer is I haven't anything to hide about my thoughts...